30 hours Value Added Course on AI using Python as part of IBM SkillsBuild Program was delivered at Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya - Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Haridwar Uttarakhand by REACHA technical team.
Vasu Sethia and Arjun B. delivered this hands on course with the support of Lalit Pant and Kshitij Mathur.
Key topics covered includes -
Introduction to AI concepts, distinguishing between AI and ML
Fundamental concepts of PyTorch, including tensor operations, interoperability with NumPy.
Workflow fundamentals of working with PyTorch, including data preparation, linear regression modelling, picking loss function and optimizer, model training, inference, evaluation, and saving/loading models.
Fundamental concepts of neural network
Application of binary and multi classification in PyTorch.
Computer vision basics, Convolution Neural Network, data augmentation, transfer learning, model evaluation
Architecture of models like AlexNet, ResNet were covered
Sincere gratitude to Mayank Aggarwal for his support throughout.
Some student feedbacks are also attached showing their excitement for such courses.