REACHA tech team vasu sethia delivered a 5 days deep dive course at Gurukula Kangari University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand as part of IBM SkillsBuild (Sept 30 to Oct 4, 2024). The course was delivered in physical mode where students delved into developing backend application using spring boot.
IBM volunteering was integrated throughout the delivery of 5 days course. We thank Gokila Govindraj, Augustine Anand, and Vanithapriya D from IBM for the sessions.
Key Topics covered included - Object oriented programming and its concepts, Introduction to spring and spring boot, Spring IOC/ dependency injection, REST API development using spring boot, Introduction to postman, Spring configuration, Relational Database (PostgreSQL), Spring data JPA, Redis for the caching, Authentication and authorization (jwt) using spring security. These were closely worked out with Professor Mayank Aggarwal, and we thank him for his support.
The sessions took place for students who come from far flung areas of Uttarakhand and are very keen and aspire to explore their career in tech.
